Meet Lizzie
It was back in May that we lost our dear girl Maisy just shy of her 11th birthday. I still miss her dearly. And we kinda tried to fill the void by bringing home a goldfish from RibFest . BTW...that fish is still alive and well! And the whole burden of cleaning the bowl has been pretty easy thus far. Installed a filter, change out like 1/4 to 1/3rd of the water about once every ten days and the thing stays clean. Anyway...back to dogs. Our dear Maisy was a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. And she First dogs often are, aren't they? I've talked with a few people and they all say the same thing: that first dog that couples often get BEFORE they have kids has a special relationship and bond with the family. They're just different. Sure, second dogs are great and they're also special. But just about everybody that I've talked to has said the same thing: it just isn't the same. And ...