Hey! We Know Him! (Our *Kinda* Hollywood Connection)

I've written here on the blog about our past brushes with famous people. Like Hollywood famous people. T here's that time when Nat and I - before we had kids - stayed in the pool house of Joel Murray . But recently, we had a totally different experience. We we went to see the new Disney movie Beauty and the Beast at the York and we stayed all the way through the credits. Why? Because, we wanted to see what you see above: the listing for the executive producer. The Babe, who is the only one of the three that can read, was waiting in her seat with us and she just about jumped out of her seat when his name showed up. It was a fun little way to end the movie for us. The film itself was great, but because we've know that someone we know has been involved in the project for years, it made it even more fun. So, I'm considering this our 2nd Hollywood *kinda* connection. Kinda...because they're related to people we're related to....