I Went To An Amazon Go Store...

And it was great. I grabbed one of these Cherry Bublys off the shelf and was impressed with the experience. And the cost. $0.69 for a can isn't terrible, right? Target is selling the 8 packs for $4.39 or about $0.55 per can. Not a terrible markup. Let me tell you: I'm not an Amazon guy. Nat is the Amazon buyer in our house. And we use it a ton. And what the company has done with PRIME and same day/next day is really quite unbelievable. But, knowing that I'm not an "Amazon guy", I can honestly tell you: the store is a neat experience. However...if you look up, you get startled. The cameras up in the ceiling are terrifying. But, I suppose that's the tradeoff for the convenience. I have to wonder if they'll make them a little bit more friendly or hide them in some way going forward. I also can't help but wonder if these initial Amazon Go stores are going to be like the new minor leagues in ba...