Dividing Ghost Ferns in Fall - Zone 5B - November 2023

Last Fall, I tentatively stepped into the Ghost Ferns Dividing Business. I had four original plants to start when I lifted one in the Fall of 2022 and created five Ghost Ferns. I took a look at the five - the two divided segments returned this year - in Spring . With that success under my belt, I took on dividing the rest of them. From five ferns, I now have eight ferns. I left the two that resulted from 2022 divisions intact. And divided up the remaining three - to create three new ferns. Below is the 'after' showing seven Ghost Ferns in this section including one *behind* the Weeping Nootka Cypress tree. Seven, you say? Where's the last one? I put it on the side of the house lining the new Boardwalk: Below are a few in-process Ghost Fern dividing photos: More Ghost Ferns is on my 2024 agenda. Fern upgrade in process. I'm posting this in November 2023, but I did this dividing and transplanting in mid-October 2023.