Lakeshore Pie - From Lake Geneva Pie Company

Over the years, we grew into some food 'habits' during our repeated trips to Southwest Michigan and Coloma. These were places we went , food stuffs that we picked up and fell in love with over time. Now that we're spending more and more time up in Wisconsin, that same pattern is falling into place. It seems like we're already coalescing around some favorite spots and foodstuffs like the King of Club cheese spread . On a Saturday this month, I packed the kids into the minivan and headed up to the Lake Geneva area to pick up some fishing supplies at Walmart. After we left, I wandered around the the various big box stores and strip malls near the highway and came across the Lake Geneva Pie Company . It was open early and there was a crew in there baking. Having never picked up a pie from this place, I pleaded my ignorance and asked for help. She lead me to the Lakeshore pie. From their site : Lakeshore Berry Crumb. A cu...