Saratoga Ginkgo Tree - Planted - Spring 2022

I've covered a bunch of the shrubs ( hydrangeas ) and perennials ( Ivory Prince Hellebores ) that I brought home from the Morton Arboretum Arbor Day Plant Sale already here on the blog. But, we also bought a tree from that same sale. I've bought a tree each of the years that I've attended the sale including this Emperor 1 Japanese Maple tree last year . And this Red Fox Katsura tree from 2020 . This year, I've prioritized shrubs in the landscape, but I included a couple of tree items on my 2022 to-d list . #7 was to plant more trees (and measuring them), so this new tree checks that box. I keep thinking about that advice I came across in April of 2019 related to planting trees . The proverb is below : That means planting small trees that - over time - can grow into something meaningful. I've done this recently with a Ginkgo tree (well...two of them, but one snapped in half ), so I figured another Ginkgo would be interesting....