Fall Buds Set on Skylands Spruce Tree - November 2024

Last month, I posted a couple of photos and details of our new Skylands Spruce tree ( ) in our front yard island bed . This is a tree that I've looked at for years and finally found one (a small one) that I put in our garden. I've noted tree buds forming (and setting) on various trees in the Fall/Winter over the years, but the past few years, I've begun to observe conifers a little more closely. Here's one that is in the middle - the Dawn Redwood - which is a deciduous conifer tree - a conifer that drops its needles. This post looks at the buds of the Dawn Redwood . This past August, I posted a photo of the 'buds' being set on the Weeping Norway Spruces that I planted last Fall IB2DWs and how I observed them last season turn into new sets of needles. I'm learning more and more about the health of conifers and the types of signals they send throughout the growing season - and during dormancy. This post from the Co...