New Soaker Hoses Under Hornbeams - May 2021

This post is simply an entry in the diary to ensure that I track progress against my 2021 to-do list out in the back/front yards . Number 5 on the 2021 to-do list: " Lay down a new Soaker Hose under the Hornbeams ". I went out there to try to remember WHY I needed to do this. Once I turned the hose on, I quickly realized that the hose had deteriorated and had sprung some HUGE holes near the beginning. That meant that the trees at the beginning were getting watered, but less-so as the run went. Here's one of the leaks: And, to check the box, here's the new pair of soaker hoses that are now laying down on top of the hornbeam beds: After I run water through them a few times they'll lay down flatter. then, I'll get mulch applied on top of them and you'll never know they were even there. Crossing #5 off my list.