Wisconsin Cheesehead at Walmart for $22

Up at the Lake Geneva Walmart the KotBT found this Cheesehead and couldn't resist trying it on. He said that they have one of these in the 'costume trunk' at his pre-school so he knew what it was immediately. Are you surprised that they're $22? I don't know why, but that struck me as being more than I figured they were going for around Wisconsin? This is the same Walmart - about 15 minutes away from Twin Lakes - that sells the cases of Spotted Cow , the Bucky Badger Club Cheese and where we both picked up our fishing license and spotted Chicago Alderman Ed Burke with his security detail looking over a kayak . Of course, I didn't let the boy get the cheesehead. Nevermind the price. We are with Da Bears in our house. Doesn't mean we don't love us some Wisconsin Cheese like the King of Clubs . Just not the Cheeseheads.