Lightning McQueen And Stanley Buttons - Disney's California Adventure and Carsland

Everyone always talks about how much Disney park visits cost. And they do, indeed, cost quite a bit. But, there's value all around if you look for it. Most of the time, that value comes from spending quality time with your family. Some other times, that value comes from the little things that you can pick up/get/do around the parks. I've written about these various 'freebies' around the parks here on the blog. Full list is below. Today, is the second day in a row posting about one of these things and they're both transportation-related. These in the photo at the top are from Disney's California Adventure and are available at Radiator Springs Racers in Carsland. If you ask the cast member, you can choose between Lightning McQueen and Stanley. With three kids, we were able to get both! The kids wore these (the boy on his hat, the girls on their lanyards) all day. Disneyland Resort does NOT do pin trading like they do at Wa...