Front Porch Containers - Fall 2024

Nat had our two front porch containers (the long, galvanized one and the round white pottery one) done by a professional. And they look MUCH better than they do when we do them ourselves. Yesterday, I shared a couple of photos of our large nursery pot of Mums , but on the other side of the front door, the containers - along with a BIG white pumpkin - look like this - photo below. There are a couple of LARGE cabbages/kales in the containers and one of the things I picked up (another pro-tip) is that the professional 'tipped' the cabbages/kales forward in the planter. They're NOT planted straight up/down in the container. Rather, they're planted on an angle - so the head of the cabbage or kale - faces up-and-out. Very, very, very clever. Here, below, is a 'profile view' of the galvanized container plantings. Note how the cabbage is tilted forward or pitched forward.