
Showing posts with the label ornamental grass

Undaunted Muhly Grass Update - August 2024

Last Fall, I planted three root-bound quart-sized nursery containers of a new (to me) ornament grass:  Undaunted Muhly Ruby Grass .  I put them in right at the edge of the boardwalk and sort-of created a new, tiny bed for them.  They were (mostly) going dormant by the time I planted them, so there wasn't any growth last year.  But, this Spring, they came back and have thrown up three masses of fine - but lazy - blades of grass.  All three are still around, despite not being deliberately watered at all.  The bed they're in is far to undersized, so the edge of the turf grass is running right up against the bases of the grasses.  But...all of that doesn't matter.  Because THEY'RE STILL HERE.  Below is a look at the three grasses: The headlining feature of these grasses are the plumes of seedheads that are created at the tips of the grasses.  So far...mine haven't produced ANY plumes, but they're ALSO not struggling.  A good reminder on the power of Fall Planting. 

Divided Autumn Moor Grasses - First Spring - March 2024

Last year, I planted a number of Seslaria Autumnalis (Autumn Moor Grasses) in our front porch beds that I picked up from Roy Diblik's Northwind Perennial Farm in Wisconsin.  They did REALLY well in their first year - so well, in fact - that I decided to roll-the-dice and divide a couple of them in their FIRST Fall in the garden.  I divided three of them and planted the three new divisions in the backyard - around the tree-swing Oak tree .    Some of my other Fall Divisions dealt with some 'heaving' and I'm not sure if they're going to make it.  But, these three Moor Grasses?  See below - they appear to be putting on green blades for their second growing season: These are inter-planted with some Summer Beauty Allium that are planted closer to the border.  And, what appears to be some to-be-determined Allium bulbs (based on the foliage) closer to the trunk of the tree.   My plan is to (likely) divide a few more of the Moor Grasses in front, but I'll keep an eye o