Two New Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grasses - IB2DWs Extended - October 2024

Fall Dividing is rolling on with some Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grasses being divided in Fall. Like most other ornamental grasses, Karl Foerster grasses suffer from center rot and require division every three-or-so years. I found a large clump that is planted close to the Bald Cypress tree IB2DWs that I dug up and divided into three. I replaced 1/3rd back into the existing hole. And then....took the other two divisions and placed them further down IB2DWs along the property line. See below for the two new grasses - via division. I have a few more of these that I need to divide that I'll get to this week. This gave me a +2 plants (or grasses) via division. #11 on my 2024 to-do was to 'focus on fall planting' . These two divided clumps of Karl Foerster grasss find me running my total up to 20 'new plants' for 2024. That feels pretty good. Here's my math: +2 trees, +2 John Greelee Grasses, +6 Aj...