Piling Excavated Dirt In Garden Beds For Berm - Smothered by Wood Chips - February 2024

This past week saw the start of the excavation for my backyard wood-fired pizza oven . After going back-and-forth with various versions of math...I settled on some dimensions. The hole needs to be 90" wide and 98" deep. That allows for a slab to be poured that is 78" wide and 86" deep. 12" each way to allow for framing, supports and what I'm calling 'wiggle room'. I opted for the 'on top of the drywell' location ; which means that the excavation is going to be light in some parts (6 inches) and deeper in others (10-12 inches). That means that I'm going to be removing A LOT of material. Soil. Clay. Probably some rocks. What do I do with it? What I'd *LIKE* to do with it is to either build a berm in our front yard . Or...use it to build a waterfall for a backyard pond. But, I'm not ready for the pond. And, I'm too chicken to do the berm in front. Will it look silly? Will...