Growing A Pineapple Plant - Giving It A Try At Home

Ever since we first saw the little pineapple plants growing in the gardens at Epcot's Flower and Garden show back in Spring of 2016 , I've had the notion in my mind that it would be fun/interesting to try to give a pineapple plant a try. But, where would we ever come across one? The answer, surprisingly, was Menards. favorite store. Menards. For some reason, they carried a handful of pineapple plants - Ananas Comosus - earlier this Spring. I was wandering out to the garden center and passed by the tropical section and they had four or five of these things on the end cap. $11.99? Can't pass it up, right? I planted it in a clay pot that seemed size appropriately. Here's a close-up of the fruit that is on the plant currently: Once the weather moderated and we seem to be having no more cold spells, I transitioned it outside to the back patio where it is living amongst our upside tomato plant (well...not ...