Adding More Green Giant Thujas To Back Yard Along Fence - January 2025

A big part of writing a [garden diary] all-year-around is using the dormant season - like RIGHT NOW, deep in the coldest part of the year - to noodle on garden edits and additions. I've done it most Winters - educating myself about plants, shrubs and trees. Sketching out edits to beds. Thinking about what I should/could add to the garden in various spots. With the temps so low lately, I only get out to the backyard garden to dump our kitchen scraps into the compost bins. I scurry from the backdoor to the bins in the back of the yard. And then scurry right back. So, I only have brief glimpses to notice/document the garden. But, one of the spots that I have been looking at (on these walks) is along the south fence line where we have three Green Giant Thujas that are spaced about five-feet apart. These three went in the ground in April of 2022 and were small(ish). Looking back at the photos from when they were planted , the tips of the...