Disneyland Roses Rebound - Late June 2024

What a difference two weeks make. Earlier this month, I posted about our Disneyland Roses and described them as 'struggling '. This is the second year where they 'struggled' - including an infestation of Sawfly Larvae. The three bareroot ones didn't come back this season and I suspect it was the result of the pests. As I've done in previous years, I've begun to feed the three remaining Floribunda roses with a combo fert + systemic insecticide on the first of the month (May, June). But, that wasn't enough. The leaves of the roses were lace-like and the plant seemed to be in decline. That's when I took drastic measures and first sprayed Neem Oil on them every few days follwing by bombing all three of them with Eight insecticide dust . The remaining foliage had a ghost-like quality with the white dust clinging to the leaves and stems. For days and (now) weeks. These Disneyland roses grow in 'flushes'. At ...