Sclafani Crushed Tomatoes - Bulk Buy for Pizza Making
I took the Sclafani Crushed Tomatoes plunge. Via a 12 pack of these 28 ounce cans from Amazon. They don't seem to be available locally and the price on Amazon comes out to $2.32 per can , so I figured I'd give them a try. I can get the Kroger brand of Crushed Tomatoes for $1.49, so there's certainly a premium, but these are (by all accounts) a good, quality item . When they arrived, I opend up the case and saw those adorable cans. In the post from a couple of weeks ago , I mentioned that online pizza OG Adam Kuban was who recommended these via the instructions that SlowRise sent out related to Adam's Bar Pizza online class. I've long been a user of 6-in-1 tomatoes, which are billed as "ground tomatoes" , but unfortunately, our local Mariano's (Kroger) stopped carrying them in 28 ounce cans. They, occasionally get the gigantic, food-service-size cans, but I'm not equipped to deal with that volume of crushed tomatoes. The guys over at ...