
Showing posts with the label fall fertilizer

Soil-Injected Deep Root Fertilizer for Trees and Shrub Applied - November 2024

The trees and shrubs have been fed for the year.  Dormant fed. This is now year five of having the tree care folks from Davey apply a soil-injected deep-root liquid fertilizer (they call it ArborGreenPro) to all of our trees and shrubs on the property.  Here is the post from last year (2023), when they applied the fertilizer in December .  That was later than most years, as the first couple of guys who arrived didn't have long-enough hoses to reach our far backyard.   Here's the 2022 post from November 9th .  I posted on November 17th in 2021 .  And I posted in late October in 2020 - the first year of treatments .   The dude from Davey uses a long probe, attached to a hose to inject the fertilizer in/around every tree and shrub.  For the larger trees, they inject in a number of sites that line-up to the reach of the canopy of the tree. Does this stuff work?  I don't really know.  Do you???

December Lawn Fertilizer - Dormant Feeding - December 2023

I put down 72 pounds of Forever Green Natural Lawn Food in the front yard, parkway and IB2DWs and 72 pounds of the stuff in the backyard.  I've done this type of late-season dormant lawn fertilizing for the past few seasons.  Here's last year's - where I used e-corganite .  And, I used the same E-Corganite from Menards in 2021 , too.   They switched to carrying this Forever Green Natural Slow-Release Nitrogen Fertilizer which has an N-P-K of 4-3-0.  I applied it pretty heavy and spread it right on top of the small, chopped-up leaves that I have been mowing into the lawn.  I won't apply a fertilizer on the lawn until I put down a pre-emergent (with fertilizer) in the late Spring.  Well...if you call the topdressing with municipal biosolids 'feeding' (which it is), then I'll probably go sooner than pre-emergent.   2023 lawn care season is now wrapped.   Can I do better next year?  Probably.  

ECorganite For Winter Guard Lawn Fertilizer - November 2022

Like I've done the past few years, I attempted to lay out a lawn care (feeding and treatment) schedule this year by listing what I was planning to do to the front and back lawns.  This year's schedule was posted in March . did I do?   I'd call it a mixed grade.  I started out with a synthetic weed and feed in March .  Good.   I skipped adding lime to the backyard to help treat the wild onions.  But, I did, remove a few more emerging clumps.  Not so good.   I also skipped insect and grub treatments.  Ran out of time.  Not good. And skipped fungicide.  Also...not good. I also skipped 4th of July and Labor day feedings in the backyard.   But, what did I do?  I detathed, aerated the backyard.   Good. I also identified and treated Nimblewill in the backyard .  Good.  And, most importantly...I overseeded the entire backyard with a blend of Kentucky Blue Grass and Tall Fescu...

Dormant Tree and Shrub Fertilizer Application - November 2022

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a couple of photos that showed the process of how the arborists at Davey Tree Services are treating our Northern Red Oak trees with a solution to inoculate them against something called the Two-lined Chestnut borer with a deep-soil-injected solution around the footprint of the canopy of the two Oak trees in our backyard.  That's the first application of the season that has been - for the past two seasons - come before the application of a liquid soil-probe-application fertilizer treatment for all our trees and shrubs.   Starting in 2020, we've worked with Davey to apply something called Arbor Green Pro to every tree and shrub in our yard.   Here's the post showing the 2020 treatment in late October . Here's the post showing the 2021 treatment in mid-November . The crew arrived and set up the long hose line from their tanker truck at the curb all the way to the back of the yard.   You can see in the photos that they a...

Fall Fertilizer e-Corganite on Lawn - December 2021

I started my lawn feeding program this year (2021) with a granular bio solid product called e-Corganite (from Menards) and I'm finishing off the year with the same 40# bags of e-Corganite for my late Fall/early Winter dormant feeding.  I had three bags of this fertilizer on hand and threw it down heavy this weekend.  I'm PRETTY SURE that I did the same thing (an early December feeding) last year, but I don't have it posted on the blog.  Here's a post from early December 2019 showing how I used a few bags of Milorganite on the lawn as it was dormant and cool .   Many folks will tell you that this late Fall/early Winter dormant feeding of the lawn is the *most* important one you can do - and if you were to do JUST ONE feeding per year, this one might be the one to choose.  Penn State's extension office says the benefits of feeding your lawn this time of year include a good 'green up'.  From PSU : Late fall fertilization should take place when shoot gro...