Dahlia Tubers Ordered - Milena Fleur and Cornel Bronze Ball - December 2023

In my 2023 recap post, I included a list of ten 'lessons learned' or takeaways from the year . They were a mix of looking back and a few looking ahead. One of them was about flowers. I wrote that " Flowers continue to be a little bit outside my comfort zone. Change that. I started this Fall, but plenty more room to grow/go. Countertop arrangements need flowers. Try some dahlias, too. " When I said that I 'started', that meant the late-season plantings like the Blue Fortune Agastache , a Pow Wow Wildberry coneflower , a pair of May Night Salvias and some purple foliage Pentstemons (all IB2DWS). And, I've had a lot of fun with the Disneyland Roses - including in arrangements. I've also done a little bit of dabbling with Dahlias over the years. But, I've always treated them as annuals and haven't invested much in the tubers. I grew Night Queens . And some orange ones. And Cactus dahlias, too . ...