Undulating Yew Hedge - Update and Inspiration - September 2021

I planted some tiny, upright Yews back in the Summer of 2019 in hopes that they'd, one day, form a cool hedge near the rear of our property. They made it through the first couple of growing seasons and by last October, I could *start* to envision the future when I looked at the area . My original inspiration for the wavy or curved hedge came via this post where I referenced a Bunny Williams garden that was, in turn, inspired by a Jacques Wirtz garden in Belgium. This year, some of the yews have put on new growth - adding height and filling out. Here, below, is a look at one of the tallest and the new growth from this season. I planted a few of the (initally) taller ones together in hopes that I could get that undulating look earlier by engineering some selective height pattern. Seems to be working in that the grouping of tall ones continue to lead the pack. Below, is another look at the hedge from the side. They need to keep ...