Firepit Entrance Yews - Update - November 2024

In July of 2022, I added a pair of Hicks Yews (if it isn't clear by now, I was *really* hot on Hicks Yews in 2021 and 2022) on either side of the 'entrance' to our firepit area. Like the rest of the Yews on our property, these were bought and planted as #1 nursery pot shrubs (and were bought at 50% off of $9.98 - so $10 for both of them). They've had 2.5 growing seasons - all of 2023 and 2024 and half of 2022 - the year they went in. My thought at the time was that these will create a little 'framed' entrance to the firepit from the yard, but they would need TIME to put on the necessary size. They were probably 12" tall when planted. Barely visible in the landscape. Below, you can see the current size of this pair of Hicks Yews: These weren't watered that much this season, so they're clearly established. You can see the little dark spot in the soil/mulch just to the right of the Yew in the foreground. That's the mark of the soil-injected...