Six Green Giant Thujas Planted - April 2022

The season has begun. With planting. And, we're off to a strong start with six new trees going in: Green Giant Thujas - Thuja standishii plicata. Are these really trees? According to the tag, they're categorized as trees, not shrubs (see the bottom photo for the tag), so I'm counting these as trees. I put in three on the northside, three on the southside - all in the back. Here are the three on the southside: And, here (below) are the three on the northside. I also transplanted the four lilacs over here, so you can see those in the photo below. More on that in a separate post. Thuja standishii plicata - Arborvitae Green Giant. These are the first trees of the season with the last ones planted last Fall being the three London Planetrees that I intend to try to pleach . I haven't done a full accounting of what survived/didn't survive just yet, so I'm counting these as the: 69th, 70th, 71st, 72nd, 73rd and 74th trees that we've planted across...