Two Snow Queen Oakleaf Hydrangeas Planted - June 2023

Yesterday, I posted details of how I had to move a small Tuff Stuff Red Mountain Hydrangea to make room for some new Oakleaf Hydrangeas. I had been holding a few spots for some shade-tolerant Hydrangeas (per our plan) that extend the row of Alice Oakleaf Hydrangeas from our kitchen window bed all the way back to the south Oak tree. The plan calls for a mix of Oakleaf and Tardiva Hydrangeas - both shade-tolerant flowering shrubs - to fill in the remaining space. I was on a trip to Menards and came across a pair of Oakleaf Hydrangeas that weren't on my radar: Snowqueen Oakleaf Hydrangeas. Here's the tag on the shrub: And, here below is the full tag: That idea of Winter protection for the first year is new (to me). Maybe I can do leaf mulch with these, too? The Missouri Botanical Garden has this page up with this description that had me at the word 'upright': SNOW QUEEN has an upright broad, rounded habit and typically grows 4-6' tal...