Spotted: Vintage Passenger, Baggage and Observation Cars in Union Station Yard

Over the years, I've posted a series of photos of various, interesting train cars that I've come across on my rides on Metra. The first one was this MTA Metro North car from New York that I saw on the Union Pacific West line in 2012 . Then in 2015, I saw these neat passenger cars from Union Pacific sitting in the Proviso Yard . Today, I'm adding a bunch of interesting cars to the collection here on the blog. And all of these were in one long line sitting in the yard just south of Union Station. They are all passenger cars starting with the two you see at the top: a Pennsylvania passenger car called the "Frank Thomson" and a The Milwaukee Road baggage (I think) car. Here's a closer look at the car from The Milwaukee Road: You can see in the photo above another passenger car with a maroon horizontal strip in line next to The Milwaukee Road baggage car, but I didn't get a better picture of it. Also note that these photos are...