Ornamental Grasses Divided in Fall Update - April 2022
Last Fall, I went around and started to divide up a bunch of Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grasses that were either suffering from some 'center rot' or simply just large enough clumps to warrant division. There were two sets: one in between our driveway and front stoop that had three and another set out of our kitchen window that had five. As I look around the yard today, I have good news: All of the divisions were successful and the grasses have come back for Spring. For now. First, let's start with the kitchen window grasses. I hedged a little bit and decided to dig up and divide just TWO of the five. I left the back three in place. Below, you can see those three remaining and in front of them a couple of divots where the other two came out. Where did I put them? I divided both of them into three new grass clumps. I put the first three on the corner of our patio - you can see below. These three are happy and green. The other one...