Black Walnuts Stored And Shared In Winter - January 2023

Starting in the Fall of 2021, I started to collect almost a full five-gallon bucket full of Black Walnuts that were falling from our Black Walnut trees in the backyard. The goal - with that collection - was to try to make some home-brewed Black Walnut stain. I ended up making a batch and gave it away for Christmas in 2021 . I wanted to try the process again this past Fall, so I was out there - in the backyard - picking up the Black Walnuts all Fall. And started to fill the same five-gallon bucket. That was a once-or-so-per week activity of pickup up a couple handful of green balls and dropping them in a bucket. I topped the bucket with another bucket with holes - so it would breath. And left it out in the landscape. Then, winter came. And I never did anything with the walnuts. No stain-making. I was out back splitting some Norway Maple firewood and noticed the bucket. I lifted the lid to see that i...