2023 Yard and Garden To-Do List Late-Summer Check-in - September 2023

My 2023 yard and garden to-do list had 25 items on it and with most 1 of the growing season behind us, I thought it would be helpful (for me!) to do a mid-season check-in. How am I doing against my priorities? What do I need to do before the season ends? Let's run through the list and see how we're doing: 1. Evergreens. I wanted to plant more evergreens. I've planted 19 evergreens so far this season: five Boxwoods in front, a Columnar Scotch Pine tree in back and now 13 more Boxwoods in back. I also transplanted a large Boxwood from the front-to-back. So..20 evergreens including one transplant. I'd say... Done . 2. IB2DW Extension. I wanted to extend the bed and add 'clustered evergreens' along with other things like grasses and annuals. I haven't added anything, but I did amend the soil with biosolids and carved out some turf to extend the bed a little bit. I'd say this is: Incomplete. ...