One Year of Blogging: Resolved.

A year ago today, I was pondering News Years resolutions. All the typical ones ran through my head, but it occurred to me that I've never actually fulfilled a resolution - and carried it throughout the entire year. This year was going to be different, I claimed! No promising to go to the gym. No promising to save more money. This year, I was going to publish a post to my personal blog EVERY DAY ALL YEAR LONG. Yes. By some measures, I aimed somewhat low. To some, a post-a-day doesn't seem like a very high bar to get over, but it was an important personal goal and allowed me to get re-acquainted with something I was missing. Blogging is how I fell in love with the web and found a profession. To those who know me, they know that the funny thing about my career is: before blogging, I was a driver. Yes...I drove someone around for a living. I LOVED it, but still....I was a driver. Then came along blogging. 2004 ...