Cheese Box Club Cheese - A New Entrant

I've written numerous posts about club cheese . It (Club Cheese) is my preferred version of cheese. Better than cubed or sliced. My personal favorite is the King of Clubs from Mars Cheese Castle , but I also really like the Bucky Badger Club Cheese - which is far easier to buy. I've posted about Glas Club Cheese that we bought at the Woodstock Farmer's Market and Brewster House Club Cheese that I didn't love . On a recent trip up to Wisconsin, Nat wandered into a place called The Cheese Box . She said it reminded her of Bobby Nelson's , but much closer to home. On their homepage, they show the inside of the shop and their counter . Looks like a place I'd love, right? She came home with a few club cheeses including this Mild Cheddar - which was awesome. This is private labeled for The Cheese Box, but they're not making it, I don't think. They do, however, make their own curds and Nat scored a container of those (that ...