Uncommon Coffee Roasters Cold Brew Coffee in Bottles

Nat picked up this bottle of Cold Brew Coffee from Uncommon Coffee Roasters when we were at Crane's Pie Pantry in Fennville, Michigan a week or so back. Uncommon is based in Saugatuck and has a little store right in their downtown. She said it was tasty, so we'll probably buy more when we come across it. They don't ship, so we'll just have to find it around Southwest Michigan on our trips up there. Whenever we head up to Saugatuck (which isn't super often...we're more of a St. Joe's-kinda-family!), we always make a stop there so Nat can get her fix. On the Uncommon site, they're now selling not this bottled stuff, but grounds to brew your own . They also have an 8 step process listed for brewing your own cold brew here on their site . Nat has been making her own cold brew for a while now at home, but she doesn't have any of the equipment that they're specifying. Wonder if we need to upgrade? I'm not one to take on more uni-t...