Tracking Chellino Scamorza Cheese at Frankie's Deli - November 2021
I've long held that this Chellino Scamorza cheese - out of Joliet - is the best pizza cheese for home bakers. I started buying it when we lived in Elmhurst and picked it up at Angelo Caputos up in Addison. Since we moved to Downers, the sourcing of the cheese has been spotty. They have it at Angelo's on 55th here (shared in 2018) , but I had a bad experience with flavor and don't love that store. I've since gone back and have had no problems. I also tracked the price at Nature's Best Market in Westmont where they were selling it for $2 cheaper than Angelo's at $5.99 . I haven't settled on a source, but buy it where I can when I need it. I recently picked up a meal at Frankie's Deli in Oak Brook Terrace (near my folk's place) and noticed they carry the stuff. Here's the tag below showing their price: $7.99. I haven't done enough of a close examination of the price of Chellino Scamorza Cheese over the years, but I think $7.99 i...