Hellebores - Planting in December in Zone 6a? December 2023

I went to the orange big box store to look for a Winter Rose Pointsettia this weekend and while I didn't find any of those (they had just the traditional pointsettia), I did find a large rack of Hellebores. They're all white ones that are in quart nursery containers. They were (originally) listed for $9.98 and now have been marked down to $4.99. They're an all white-turning-to-light-green flower variety. See below for the hellebores: I'm wondering to myself....can these be planted in December? I mean...the ground isn't QUITE frozen yet and they ARE hardy to our zone. Would they survive? Or, could I just keep them alive as houseplants until Spring? A quick search on the Web turns up answers like this : Container-grown hellebores can be used as houseplants. They prefer to be grown in garden soil but will survive indoors. Give them plenty of light during the winter months and indirect light in the summer. This action will mimic their n...