First Winter Greenery Arrangement - December 203

This Summer, I started to experiment with making my first few arrangements. They were full of Disneyland Roses, Zinnias and whatever I could snip out of the garden . I had a lot of fun experimenting with those countertop arrangements the last month-or-so of the growing season and is something that I'm already thinking about for 2024. With Winter here and everything dormant, I recently opted to try my hand at a winter greenery arrangement for the kitchen. We had this Santa Claus Holt Howard planter on hand, so I grabbed it and started planning. See below for the Santa planter: One of the things that I learned this Summer was to try to use a grid in wider-mouth vases and planters to create some structure that the stems can be supported by instead of just being jammed into the mouth together. I grabbed some of this green hardware cloth and cut a small section. Below you can see it inserted in the back of the planter: From there, I cut up some...