Acer palmatum Seiryu Japanese Maple Planted - July 2023

This is the third and final Japanese Maple that I'm planting in our backyard that I bought online and had shipped from Mr. Maple. This is another Acer palmatum, but it is different - and unique. It is green, upright and has desiccated foliage. Love all of those characteristics - and it appears that it is the *only* Japanese Maple that checks all three of those boxes . The listing from Mr. Maple tells the full story : ‘Seiryu’ is a fantastic upright green dissectum Japanese maple. This Japanese maple tree is very unusual because it has amazing dissectum leaves yet it is a vigorous upright grower. In the early spring it leafs out with a lush bright green. The fall color of 'Seiryu' encompasses shades of light to deep scarlet red. This Japanese maple tree is a very vigorous grower and can grow up to 12-14 inches a year once it is established. The height of Seiryu can reach up to 20-22 ft over time. ‘Seiryu’ is unmatched in the acer world as a brilliant upright lacel...