Hakonechloa Macra Grasses In Layered Garden Border - Zone 5B - September 2023
One little section of the backyard garden where we have (what I would consider) 'good' layering going-on is in the curve under the tree-swing tree that features a mix of grasses, shrubs and trees. The standouts are clearly the Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold' Japanese Forest Grasses that sit near the border and hug the curve. I first bought a dozen of them at the Covid-year Morton Sale . There are seven remaining here. (I think there are five IB2DWs.) See below for a photo of this curved section - as it stands in early September, 2023: There were these same seven Japanese forest grasses back in August of 2021 and while the growth has been pretty slow, if I look back at them from two seasons ago , I can notice that they've put on some mass. The blades are more-full and seemingly longer as these are (now) showing a more cascading-look than they were back a few years. There are a few more things going on in this little section that you can (if you looked ha...