The Boy and His Christmas Train - Christmas 2021 - January 2022
The boy had a proper Christmas train setup this year with the basement being done. (or mostly done) You can see his setup (a large oval) with a steam O-gauge locomotive running with some rolling stock behind it. The tubs in the corner contain a few more pieces of track and cars that we didn't get to this year, but it still is a Christmas tradition. My Dad set up a Christmas train with me. And I'm setting up a Christmas train with the KotBTs. Here's last year's post - 2020 Christmas train . In our new house, this marks four years - 2017, 2018, 2020 and 2021 (now). There's a very short period of time these days for a boy to be interested in these model trains. With our train being O Gauge (larger than the most popular - these days at least - HO), I think that also limits the potential in these trains. HO (smaller) can pack A LOT more into a layout with the same footprint and the hobby is more well-formed for adu...