A Little Hosta Fall Color - Yellow Leaves - November 2021
Some of our hostas - that the rabbits haven't gotten to yet - are putting on a nice Fall show of yellows and oranges. First...below...you can spy the Christmas Tree hosta that is planted by the large Northern Red Oak tree swing tree. Interesting combination of orange, yellow and green that shows the perennial in a state of transition. Really like how this one looks in late Fall. On the other side of the backyard, a different hosta is going from green to yellow underneath the Greenspire Linden trees that are espalier'd into a horizontal cordon. After reading this piece in the NYT from Margaret Roach entitled: Take A Walk In The Garden Before It's Too Late - I've done just that: gotten out and walked around most mornings to simply observe the changing season. One of my 2022 to-do's is to focus on a four-season garden with Fall being one of the seasons I *know* I need to focus on if I want to extend the garden past the hot Summer season.