Zinnias in Greenstalk Vertical Garden - September 2024

Here's a top-down look at the top few tiers of our Greenstalk vertical garden showing off some of the Zinnias (Cut-and-Come Again and another variety that I grew from last season's seeds) popping off. I direct sow'd both of these and they're doing fairly well as they *just* enter their blooming season. Also, peeking through (on the left) is a Rosemary plant that is growing in between some of the cut flowers. #2 on my 2024 to-do list was to 'push thru on flowers' - including cut flowers . These Zinnias in the Greenstalk help check that box. Of course, all the Dahlias lead the way on #2 as well. See below for the current state of the top-tiers of our Greenstalk: Next year, one tweak I'll make is to think about starting some Zinnias indoors from seed instead of direct sowing them to get them starting blooming a bit earlier than mid/late August.