Lower Trunk Growth On Seemingly Dead Trees - July 2020

Back in April, I posted some photos of a handful of trees that appeared - at the time - to be late in terms of coming out of dormancy for the year . They were a Chanticleer Pear tree that was planted on Earth Day 2018. A small Red Valley Sun Maple planted the same day. And a Crimson King Maple that I planted in 2017. Something weird is happening with two of them. And it is now happening with another tree. First, the bad news. The Crimson King Maple appears to be lost. I'll post about it separately. But, let's look at the other three. Here, below, is the Red Valley Sun Maple. The top of the tree never broke bud. And the limbs became dry and brittle. But, this Summer, this growth shot out from the base of the trunk. If the tree was healthy, I'd call these things "suckers". They sure look like "suckers", don't they? From this post, suckers are normally a sign of stress : Suckers...