Missed: Lebowski Night @ Patio Theater

Recently, we were headed into the City to visit with Nat's sister and Google Maps took us on a route that I don't think I've ever been on before this trip. Along the way, we drove past the Patio Theater and what did the marquee say? "A B I D E". Then, as we creeped forward, the side of the marquee listed an event taking place on Friday: Lebowski Fest. What the what? Sure enough, according to DNA Info , there was, indeed, a Lebowski night there. "The Big Lebowski" is returning to the big screen at the Patio Theater on Friday. The theater, 6008 W. Irving Park Road, is hosting "Lebowski Night" with a 7 p.m. screening of the 1998 Coen brothers cult classic. The showing will be followed by a 10 p.m. live performance by The Fortunate Sons , a tribute band to Credence Clearwater Revival, whose music runs throughout the movie's soundtrack. The theater use the event to show off its newly-rehabilitated bar, so spectators can sip Whi...