Mr. Maple Japanese Maples - First-Time Order - June 2023

A couple of days ago, I posted about how I planted an unknown Japanese Maple that I bought from the orange big box store . I know, I know. was just something I did. That is the fourth Japanese Maple in our backyard, but it also was the 'gateway' to even more. My research into what that tree could be turned into a lost few days digging around the Web. In terms of numbers....This Spring (2023), I've now planted three Japanese Maple trees - a small Emperor 1 , that unknown red laceleaf upright and this small, low-grafted Waterfall Japanese Maple . Doing the research about those three Japanese Maples on the Web lead me to a new (to me) place: Mr. Maple. Their site is where they sell a huge variety of Japanese Maples in 1-gallon nursery containers. The guys at Mr. Maple make it easy to sort by growing zone (I'm 5b), sun-exposure, species (Acer palmatum, Acer japonicum and Acer shirasawanum, etc) and...