Harvesting Tree Nuts - Early Fall - September 2022

I've long been fascinated by the idea of a backyard tree nursery. On a small scale, of course. But, something that I could tend-to in terms of planting and growing trees from seed over the course of a number of seasons. I've made no secret of trying to coax myself into accomplishing some 'seasonal projects' like compost, dividing plants and even planting native trees. And, I've had a VERY limited look at success when it comes to nursing trees to life from seed: a tray of Kentucky Coffee Tree seedlings from 2021 . I also have seemingly grown some Catalpa trees from seed in a wine barrel planter. Over the past few weeks, I've begun to think about (and watch YouTube videos) about collecting tree seeds with the goal of storing, stratifying and eventually germinating and planting in containers to grow. During one of my walks around town, I started to look at which trees were throwing off acorns and nuts and started to pick some up off t...