2020 Ash Firewood - Beginning to Process - January 2021

Back in October of last year, I posted some photos of a pile of Ash (or what I thought was Ash) firewood that I grabbed off of one of my neighbors who was taking down some trees . After letting it sit around in the back of the yard for a few weeks, by the end of November, I had a couple of 2x4's from our basement project that I hauled back there to use as a sort of rack and stacked the rounds up on them to get them off the ground . A lot of this stuff was wet and needed time to just dry out up off the ground. Well...a month later, I found myself needing to get outside for 30 minutes or so and I decided to start to process some of this stuff. Some of the rounds are cut to length. But, a lot of them are not. I don't have a chainsaw, so I decided to take a shot at the ones that were both small enough and cut to the right length. I split them open and what I found inside looked a lot like I was expecting based on the previous pictures....