Trees Breaking Bud Timing - Spring 2022

Last week, I posted a couple of photos showing the timing of the Cherry Blossoms in our backyard on on small Kwanzan Flowering Cherry Tree . This was the fifth of six growing seasons where we able to experience Cherry Blossom season. Kinda nice. Before we get too far into the Summer, I wanted to post a few photos in the [ tree diary ] showing the timing of some of our trees breaking bud this year. These photos were all taken on Monday, May 9th. So, we can call that early/mid May, right? First up - Dawn Redwood. By May 9th this year, the needles were beginning to show up. See below: Here's another look at the Kwanzan Flowering Cherry Tree. Leaves and flowers by early/mid May: Below is the "Grampy Tree" - the first London Planetree in the far back of the yard . The three smaller ones I planted at the end of last season that I'm planning on PLEACHING aren't this far advanced. That has me a bit concerned. Below ...