Medium-sized Buckthorn Removal - Fall 2019

Last September, I posted a series of photos showing how I was taking down a Buckthorn tree in the far reaches of our backyard . It was a small tree, but took some time between cutting and digging out the roots. I mentioned that I had a few more Buckthorn trees around - and because they're an invasive tree - I wanted to get rid of them over time. In fact, I included 'Buckthorn removal' in my 2019 To-Do List addendum and didn't get around to taking down any of the trees this Summer. That changed this past weekend, when I was out back and tried to take on this tree you see here. This is a medium tree, but it is in a state of both alive and dead - at the same time. I know that seems strange, but I'm pretty sure that the main tree is dead, but the suckers on this thing keep coming back, so there's life in there somewhere. I first started with sawing off a bunch of the limbs. Then I cut it in half - and let the top-half tumble down int...