Same Frans Fontaine Hornbeam Dropped Leaves (Again) - November 2020
Two years ago, I posted - with some alarm - that one of our Frans Fontaine European Hornbeam trees had suddenly dropped all of its leaves while the other seven clung to their fall leaves vis foliar marcescence. That post was back in November of 2018 can be found here . If you look at that post, you'll note that it was the fourth tree from the left. Today - I'm sharing this photo of the stand of columnar hornbeams above and you'll notice that....wait for it....the SAME tree (fourth from the left) has done the same thing again this year. It has shed most of its leaves. Below is a different angle of these same hornbeam trees where you can see all eight of them. And, here, below, is an even closer look at the difference between some of the trees and #4 - the tree that has lost leaves. This is when the [ garden diary ] pays off for me. I would normally be very concerned about this tree - was it stressed? Was it dying? Do I need to...