Elephant Ear Foliage - Tropicals As Bedding Plants - September 2023

A brief, visual update on a few of the Elephant Ear bulbs that I planted in the landscape as bedding plants - lending a tropical vibe to the garden (underneath the kitchen windows). I last posted about these in July when the foliage was just showing up and unfurling . Here, below is what they look like currently - in early/mid September. Some of the leaves are REALLY big. Are they the largest leaves we've ever had? I'm not sure, but they sure look like the largest - compared to these previous giants . The bulbs in the corner container are growing big leaves, too. See below: Next year, I'd like to try the black-stemmed version that I spotted at the Morton Arboretum earlier this Summer, but if I can't find those, I'll still turn to these traditional Esculentas as I've made them a 'seasonal' addition to our garden - in both containers and in the ground. Maybe next year they'll go over by the Disneyland Roses to fill in some of those gaps, too...