Little Fall Color Moments - Disneyland Roses, Japanese Maples, Saratoga Ginkgo, Dawn Redwood, Kousa Dogwood, Butterscotch Amsonia and More - November 2023

With all the #FallPlanting posts running here for a few weeks, I wanted to sneak in a post showing some of the things that are happening in the garden, yard and even on our block as the trees turn from green to yellows, oranges, reds and...well...even browns. Dormancy is just about here and the garden is putting itself to bed. Below are a number of photos that I took in late October (25, 26), but this post is going up more than a week later. Since then, we've had a couple of HARD FROSTS. Bringing the growing season to a close. Here's a look around: I'm not sure what to think is going on with all of the Japanese Maples. Some of them appear to be "just fine". While others...they...well...could be dying? And others have been picked at by the (dang!) rabbits. Starting with the First Ghost Acer palmatum planted back by the firepit. This one has received the least attention, but seems to be doing fine moisture and sun-exp...