Cutest Lemonade Stand I've Ever Seen!

I've been hearing - virtually - ALL summer from The Babe that she desperately, desperately wants to run a Lemonade Stand. Over the weekend, we finally caved and helped her fulfill her vision. We only had a few stipulations: 1. She had to give the lemonade away for free but ask for donations to a charity of her choice. 2. When we were out of lemonade, that was it. No whining about wanting more. Well...I'm happy to report that The Babe picked " Give Kids The World " as her charity of choice and we set up on the corner of 3rd and Indiana where there was a bit more traffic than out front of our house. We listen to a lot of Disney podcasts in the car and the guys on The Dis UnPlugged talk a lot about "Give Kids the World" and after asking Nat and me about it, that's the one she picked. We wrote up a little sign on the money jug that said 'Donations for Give Kids The World Accepted'. For those of you who don't know, Give Ki...